Focusing on Soil Health, Water, and Biodiversity for Climate Change Resiliency

Soil Health

Soil health is an important part of land management, as it affects the health of plants, the growth of crops, and the sustainability of the land. Improved soil health can lead to increased water retention, improved nutrient cycling, increased biodiversity, and carbon sequestration. It also helps to reduce erosion, nutrient runoff, and increase the amount of organic matter in the soil.

Clean Water

Within as little as 50 years, many regions of the United States could see their freshwater supply reduced by as much as a third, according to the USDA "Projections of freshwater use in the United States under climate change".1 Through our regenerative programs, in addition to soil health, we focus on water efficiency and cleanliness to help mitigate threats from nutrient run-off and climate change.
1.Article 10.1029/2021EF002222, 12/30/2022


The importance of biodiversity to land management cannot be overstated. A healthy ecosystem with a diverse range of plants, animals, fungi and bacteria is essential for the protection and restoration of our environment. This diversity of life also promotes climate resiliency, helping our land better cope with the changes brought about by climate change. We strive to maintain and increase biodiversity to ensure the lands we manage and their environment is healthy.

Climate Resiliency and Value

Through our focus on soil health, water efficiency and quality, and biodiversity, we are investing to create healthier, more fertile, and reslilient properties. This will not only be a benefit for our planet, but also for the value of our lands in the future.

Our strategy is designed to show that environmental and financial returns are not contradictory.  Facilitating environmental resiliency creates long-term investor value.